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Capitalism is predatory. Capitalism kills hope, is an action that I initiated with a T-shirt that I designed and wore during my presentation at the Arts in Society congress (Emily Carr, Vancouver, 2018), as a way of dressing up my political positioning. All the times I wore the T-shirt it gave me the opportunity to talk with wonderful people who came to share with me reflections on the message. 


Then the graphic mutated into stickers that I used as a mini-boycott of the Black Friday 2019 advertising. 


And the third phase of this message ended up in the mouthpiece that I have used in some of my outings given the crisis produced by the Covid-19 pandemic. 


In all three scenarios, my concern is the same: how can we dialogue with the precarization of daily life produced - and reproduced - by the capitalist system in which we still live? 


Note: If you want to reproduce the message, send me a message to give you a copy of the vectors. 




el amor romántico mata

the love I believe in is more related to the Greek conception. And it is far from the stereotype reproduced in traditional fairy tales or even in the Disney narrative that reproduces an ideal of a submissive woman who needs to be (almost always) saved by a prince. 


This action is made up of stickers and a video (just for fun). The lyrics are my own and are the first phase of a series of feminist stories for girls. 


The other photo is because during the quarantine given the rise of feminicide in Bogotá, the Colombian artist Rafael Puyana, was reproducing images from his window to a wall to illuminate feminist messages. Romantic love kills was present in his selection. 



Captura de pantalla 2020-09-06 a la(s) 2
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