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"queremos flores"

I wore this mask for a performance I did with other women for 8M March in Granada, Spain. Inspired by Gioconda Belli's poem "Queremos Flores" (We Want Flowers) it was a body interpretation and active reading of this Nicaraguan author's poem. A feminist claim of all the flowers that the patriarchal system still owes us. Also, we invited the public to write about (following the structure of the poem): what flowers are still missing? and we made a garden full of flowers-message-writing-feminist claims. Our intention was to commemorate for one day (knowing that it is little) "the garden from which we were expelled."

Click on the pic to see the video of our action. -->

Captura de pantalla 2020-09-04 a la(s) 1

"yo no nací colonizada"

we receive more than 100 hundred letters during the action from the people that see us after we invite the to write what kind of "flowers" they want. That are going be the material for the second part of this feminist performance in 2021.


WhatsApp Image 2020-03-10 at 7.52.22 PM-
Captura de pantalla 2020-09-05 a la(s) 1
Captura de pantalla 2019-07-28 a la(s) 8
Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at 10.12.00
Captura de pantalla 2019-07-28 a la(s) 8

Miradas colectivas

In 2017, during the Art festival called: "Encuentro", (organized by Marcia Ortega and her project Calor Calor, in La Paz, México). I developed the performance "Miradas Colectivas / Collective look" inspired by the concept of "Identidades Colectivas / Collective Idientities" by Gilberto Giménez.

The action was a corporeal translation of his theory. I developed mirror lenses and dressed in mirror clothes to offer my body to the festival visitors as a vehicle to encounter with others, and also and try to catch their looks just by feeling the bodies that were close to me.

I was focused in express how important is to take care about the social fabric. Especially in the violent moments that Mexico was living that year. As an artivist, I think that creativity can question some part of the systematic violence, so I did my action based on a main premise: if we don't recognize ourselves in others, we can't find ourselves. Without finding ourselves, social fabric does not exist, without a lovely and strong social fabric, humanity is not strong. If humanity is not strong, the fears could start to be more stronger than us, and with "no reason" fear, any peace building proccess is not possible.



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