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Cebras por la vida it is a urban art collective that use paint as a way to reclaim the streets and the right to the city. We paint because we want more humanitarien cities, that thinks again in persons first. 


We paint creative crosswalks when they are not or disrespected or when they does not exist, because walk safe at the city is not negotiable.  


Familia de colectivos _3 Cebras por la V

Check the video of our last big intervention. We paint to defend life at streets. Using color as an excuse to know each other again and reclaim our right to the city with art.

La vida de las niñas de esta escuela de danza estaba en riesgo a causa de la mala educación vial. Dos veces tuvieron accidentes carros frente a su escuela. Pintamos para hablar del problema con los vecinos, llamar la atención de las autoridades, e hicimos un performance con ellas en la calle, para reclamar el espacio público y juntos defender la vida. El video del noticiero es un resultado que amplificó nuestras causas y demandas.*


the lives of the girls in this dance school were at risk because of poor road safety education. Twice they had car accidents in front of their school. We painted to talk about the problem with the neighbors, to call the attention of the authorities, and we did a performance with them in the street, to claim the public space and together defend life. The news video is a result that amplified our causes and demands.


A tv interview about our urban collective art.

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